Literature analysing and assessing his artistic work
1967 Mezei, Ottó: Károly Ócsay’s sculptures in the Börzsöny utca branch of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (Opening, 10 June 1967)
1968 Zentai, Béla: Man and machine (Vas Népe, 2 June 1968)
1970 Rózsa, Gyula: Studio 1970. Young artists in the Ernst Museum] (Népszabadság, 1970)
1971 P. Szűcs, Julianna: Studio 1971. Young artists in the Ernst Museum (Népszabadság, 1971)
1971 The sculptures of K.Ó. (Vas Népe / Napló, 20 February 1971.)
1971 Bojár, Iván: From exhibition to exhibition. Károly Ócsay (Magyar Hírlap, 7 December 1971)
1972 Losonci, Miklós: Pest county artists in Budapest exhibitions] (31 August 1972)
1972 Soós, Klára: The sculpture of Károly Ócsay (Művészet, no. 1972/9, 22–23)
1972 B., Sz.: The last station / The Attila József exhibition in Balatonszárszó (Magyar Nemzet, 7 September 1972)
1973 The exhibition of Károly Ócsay, Studio Gallery 1973 (Exhibition catalogue, 1973)
1973 Tasnádi, Attila: Exhibition guide / Károly Ócsay (Népszava, 26 January 1973)
1973 Nagy, Ildikó: The exhibition of Károly Ócsay at the Studio Gallery (24 January 1973)
1973 Ambrus, Tibor: The exhibition of Károly Ócsay at the Studio Gallery (Hungarian Radio, February 1973)
1973 Horváth, György: The sculptures of Károly Ócsay at the Studio Gallery (Magyar Nemzet, 3 February 1973)
1973 Ó.K. (Hungarian Ifjúság, 2 February 1973)
1973 Concise Lexicon of Art (Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973, 434)
1973 Pocna prilepskoto umetnicko leto (Nova Makedonija, 23 July 1973)
1973 Bojár, Iván: From exhibition to exhibition (Magyar Hírlap, 14 February 1973)
1974 Attila József exhibition (Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Budapest, 1974.)
1974 Horváth, Béla: Moden Hungarian graphic art from József Egry to our days, catalogue introduction (Művelődési Központ, Szob, 1974)
1975 The works of sculptor K. Ó. (Ferihegy Híradó, 1975)
1975 Losonci, Miklós: The art of K. Ó. (Haraszti diák, 25 January 1975, 9)
1975 Losonci, Miklós: Unveiling a memorial of Baktay in Dunakeszi (Pest Megyei Hírlap, 25 January 1975)
1976 Hietz, Matthias – Vogel, Alois: Gesprach in Steinbruch Zehn jahre symposion Lindabrunn (Calatra Press Villem Enzinck, Lahnstein, 1976)
1978 Artist biographies (Képcsarnok, Budapest, 1978, 338)
1978 Exhibition of Hungarian sculpture (Műcsarnok, Budapest, 1978)
1978 Szatmári, Jenő István: Hungarian artists on themselves (Tétény-Promontor, vol II, no. 2, 1978)
1980 Szuromi, Pál: Statue of Móra in Ruzsa (Délmagyarország, 1980)
1981 Bodó: The Nagyharsány stone quarry. Sculptures in the making (Dunántúli Napló, 31 July 1981)
1982 Bebesi, Károly: Humanising space. The sculptures of Károly Ócsay (Dunántúli Napló, 1 August 1982)
1983 International Sculptural Symposium (Siklós, Siklósi Szimpozium kiadványok, no. 11, 1983, ed. Csenkey, Éva)
1984 Sárospataky, Csaba: We take our face to the hills. The left thief. The sculpture of Károly Ócsay] (Szépirodalmi Kiadó, 1984, 93)
1984 Medals, drawings, small sculptures / Ócsai Károly szobrászművész kiállítása (Budatétény Gallery, 1984)
1984 Vidović, Jelisaveta: Skulpture Károlya Ócsaija (Narodne Novine, Budimpešta, 19 April 1984, 16)
1984 Tasnádi, Attila: A successful experimenter / K.Ó. (Népszava, 11 May 1984)
1985 Csenkey, Éva: Villány, Sculpture Park (Tájak, Korok, Museumok Kiskönyvtára 9, Budapest 1985)
1985 International Sculptural Symposia 1980–1981–1982–1983 / Siklós-Villány. Siklós, 1985 (Catalogue, introduction Éva Csenkey)
1985 Artist biographies. Contemporary Hungarian artists (Budapest, 1985, 372)
1985 Hungarian Numismatic Bibliography (1985?)
1986 Hollós, László: Sculptural inventory 1985 (Budapest, nos 1–2, 1986)
1988 Tömöry, Márta: Confessions fired in clay. A background to child culture (Háttér Kiadó, Budapest, 1988, 81–87)
1988 Angyal, Mária: Fledgling sculptors in Budafok (Színkép – a Népművelés, March 1988 supplement, 8–9)
1988 Tasnádi, Attila: Exhibition guide. Respect to Budafok (Népszava, 20 May 1988)
1989 Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes: A section of the Universe. The sculptures of Károly Ócsay - Red Chapel, Boglárlelle, exhibition opening (Művészet, 18 August 1989, 11–12, 99–100)
1989 Rajna, György: A catalogue of sculptures in public spaces in Budapest (Budapesti Városszépítő Egyesület, 1989)
1990 Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes: Metaphysical realism (Hitel, vol. 3, no. 6, 27 March 1990, 54)
1990 Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes: The object pictures of Károly Ócsay (Somogy, 1990, no. 1, 25–26)
1990 Lóska, Lajos: Sculptural drawings (Új Művészet, 1990/1, 55)
1991 Magyar, E.: The confession of clay (24 óra, 22 July 1991)
1991 Humanizing space / Exhibition of sculptor Károly Ócsay (Józsefváros Gallery, 1991.)
1992 Bajzáné, Szinyei Merse Anna: Pál Szinyei Merse Society 1920/1992 (catalogue introduction, study, Budapest, 1992)
1994 FIDEM 1994 24th Congress and International Medal Art Exhibition, Budapest, Hungarian National Gallery. (Catalogue introduction by György Fekete, Lars O. Lagerquist, Viktória L. Kovásznai)
1994 Modern Hungarian medal, Budapest, Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists, Medal Division, (Catalogue, introduction. Baranyi Judit)
1994: Ferch, Magda: Henry Moore and Nagytétény, 3rd International Biennial of Sculptural Drawing (Magyar Nemzet, 5 March 1994)
1995 Pilaszanovich, Irén – Wehner Tibor: Status quo. Hungarian Sculpture (catalogue introduction, study, Budapest, Műcsarnok, 1995)
1995 Szabó, C. Szilárd: 1956 is more intimate, elevating and tragic (Dél-Magyarország, 21 October 1995)
1996 Tasnádi, Attila: Thoughts in the gallery. A successful experimenter: Károly Ócsay (Felsőmagyarországi Kiadó, Miskolc, 1996, 114–116)
1996 Ferch, Magda: Riders of Fog. Károly Ócsay’s memorial of the Battle of Tétény (Magyar Nemzet, 12 March 1996)
1996 Feledy, Balázs: The memory of the home guard. Károly Ócsay’s sculpture in Nagytétény (Demokrata 1996/14, 4 April, 57)
1996 Ferch, Magda: The temple of revolution. Károly Ócsay’s 1956 memorial in the Tabán before unveiling (Magyar Nemzet, 16 October 1996)
1996 Unveiling a 1956 memorial in the Tabán (Californiai Magyarság, 22 November 1996)
1996 Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes, exhibition opening (Kék Iskola Gallery, 1996)
1996 Vasvári:The memorial is half ready (Pesti Riport, 22 October 1996)
1996 Dr Bíró, Béla: Statement of the Los Angeles organisation of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters’ International Association (Amerikai Magyar Hírlap, 17 May 1996)
1996 Vajda Németh, József: [Open letter apropos of the 1956 historical memorial to all Hungarians around the world (Amerikai Magyar Hírlap, 7 June 1996)
1996: Kováts, Albert: The sculptor draws for the first time (Kritika 1996/5, 45–46)
1997 Boros, Géza: 1956 memorial (1956 Institute, Budapest, 1997/ 80, 147, 148, 154, 267, 280)
1997 Varga, Tibor. Thoughts about a memorial. The Sunday of Hungarians (Külhoni Magyarok Világlapja, October 1997, vol. 104, no. 17)
1997 Ferch, Magda: In search of a relief (Magyar Nemzet 18/22 October 1997)
1997 The Tabán memorial was consecrated (Magyar Nemzet, 24 October 1997)
1998 Szöllőssy, Ágnes – Boros, Géza: Sculptures and memorial plaques in Budapest 1985–1998 (Budapest Gallery, 1998)
1998 Boros, Géza: Text of Element exhibition opening (Pest Centre Gallery, 27 February 1998)
1998 Ferch, Magda: Trojan horse. Plasic plaque on the 1956 memorial (Magyar Nemzet, 27 March 1998)
1998 Wehner, Tibor – L. Kovásznai, Viktória: Border lines. Two views on unconventional medals in Budapest. (The Medal, No. 32, Spring 1998, 84–94.)
1998 Csordás, Lajos: The sculptures walk of their base (Népszabadság, 22 June 1998)
1999 Mezei, Ottó: Dimensions and metamorphoses of dimensions (essay in catalogue for Pruning exhibition at the Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, 1999)
1999 Boros, Géza: Public space. “Real” memorials (Élet and Irodalom, 30 July 1999)
1999 Feledy, Balázs: Visible memory. Book on 1956 memorials (Demokrata, 1999/42)
1999: Ferch Magda: Gates of the soul. Biennial of sculptural drawings for the millennium (Magyar Nemzet, 6 January 1996)
1999: Feledy, Balázs: Essence of form and structure. Biennials of sculptural drawing 1990–1998 (Magyar Művészeti Fórum 22–25 April 1999)
2000 Wehner, Tibor: Art - Exhibition of 22nd district artists in honour of the new millennium (catalogue introduction, Jazz Gallery, Budapest, 2000)
2000 Nagy, Ildikó (ed.): Contemporary art. Sculptural competitions 1990–2000 (Budapest, Hungarian Institute for Culture and Art, 2000, 88, 159, 183, 192, 309, 311, 410, 418, 419, 440, 500)
2000 Lexicon of Contemporary Hungarian Art (Budapest, Enciklopédia Kiadó, 2000, vol 2., 952–953)
2000 Dalmi: Memorial to Hungarian heroes (Debrecen, A város lapja, 18 October 2000)
2000 Ferch, Magda: The vicissitudes of a public sculpture. Tabán complaint (Magyar Nemzet, 28 October 2000)
2000 R. Gy., Zs.: Sculptural designs on paper and in space (Népszabadság, December, 2000)
2000 Bartos, Mihály – Garbóczi László: Memorial history. Addenda to the history of erecting a statue (Promontor-Tétény 1848–1849-ben, Savoyai Jenő Társaság, Budafok 2000)
2001 Feledy, Balázs: Berda and Ócsai. Exhibitions in the Újpest Gallery (Demokrata, 1 March 2001)
2001 Boros, Géza: Memorial/work. Art–public space–visuality from the change of the political system in 1989 to the Millennium (Enciklopédia Kiadó, Budapest, 2001, 54–107)
2001 Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes: Public space – cliché. The exhibition of sculptor Károly Ócsay (catalogue introduction, Újpest Gallery, Budapest, 2001)
2001 Ferch, Magda: The democracy of sculptures. They are not erected to make places for placing wreaths (Magyar Nemzet, 17 February 2001)
2001 R. GY. ZS.: Sculptural graphic works from cardboard. The exhibition of Károly Ócsay in Újpest Gallery (Népszabadság, 27 February 2001)
2001 Wehner, Tibor: Public spaces – clichés. The exhibition of Károly Ócsay in Újpest Gallery (Új Művészet, 2001/5, 41)
2001 Ferch, Magda: Ócsai’s 1956 memorial. Vigour carved in stone. The ‘relief’ disfiguring the obelisk is gone] (Magyar Nemzet, 22 October 2001)
2001 Eörsi, László: Corvinists 1956. Armed groups in 8th district Budapest in 1956 (1956 Institute, Budapest 2001, 456)
2001 Fazekas: Károly Ócsay (Városházi Híradó, vol 9, no. 1, 19 January 2001)
2001 Nagy, Zoltán: Sculpture – now and beyond (Catalogue introduction, Műcsarnok, Budapest 2001)
2001 Boros, Géza: Budapest memorial metamorphoses. 1989-2000. EPA Budapesti Negyed, (2001/2–3, 32–33)
2002 Bajzáné, Dr. Szinyei Merse Anna – Mezei Ottó: Pál Szinyei Merse Society 1992–2002. (Budapest, 2002)
2002 Ligeti, Erika: Contemporary Hungarian medals (catalogue introduction, Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists Medal Art Division, 2002)
2003 Ferch, Magda: Under the stairs. On the deceptive glitter of high society, tearing down sculptures and his five lives (Magyar Nemzet, 26 April 2003)
2003 Újpest Lexikon, 2003/377
2004 Prohászka, László: Sculptural histories (Fővárosi Önkormányzat, Budapest 2004, 215–216)
2004: Wehner, Tibor: The 7th exhibition of sculptural drawing, Vigadó Gallery (Művészeti élet, 2004/1–2)
2005 Orbán Éva: The 1956 memorial in the Tabán. A conversation with sculptor Károly Ócsay (Nemzetőr, 31. August 2005)
2006 Bognár Judit: Szoborrá faragott emlékek (Helyi Téma, 2006. okt. 18.)
2006 Halász Csilla: Kopjafák és vasrudak (Heti Válasz, 2006. dec. 10.)
2006 F., K.: Károly Ócsay’s work to be 1956 memorial (24 óra, 10 August 2006)
2007 Wehner, Tibor: 249 sculptors (Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists, Szobrász Szakosztály, Budapest, 2007, 305–308)
2008 Jozefka, Antal: Image carvers, N.S. PRO HOMINE (Budapest, Újpest, 2008. 117–122)
2008 Scholtz Viktória: A hónap művésze / Ócsai Károly szobrász (Városházi Híradó, 2008. ápr. 18.)
2008 Fábián, Sándor: Lexicon of the sculptors of the world (Hungarian Kerámia Kft., Budapest 2008, 581)
2010 Wehner, Tibor: Contemporary Hungarian Sculptors 1945–2010, Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 2010, 220)
2012 Szakács, Béla: Medals and plaques of Hungarian literature. Association of Hungarian Numismatic Collectors, Budapest, 2012, 48–52, 140, 171, 262, 375, 440–446, 492, 568–569, 723, 759, 1020, 1036, 1093.
2012: Tokai, Gábor: Crystal models. The exhibition of Károly Ócsay. Pantheon Frieze Room, exhibition opening, 27 November 2012.
2013: Toughened in 1956. Local sculptor Károly Ócsay in the Castle District (Városházi Híradó, 31 October 2013)
2013: Tokai, Gábor: Crystal models (Új Művészet, 2013/01–02, 72)
2013: Wehner, Tibor: Knob. An irreverent artistic diary, 1996–2006, Budapest, Enciklopédia Kiadó, 2013, 320, 340, 346, 347, 352, 357, 362, 371
2014: Tokai, Gábor: Károly Ócsay: Crystal models (Pantheon Frieze Room, Körösényi Room, 4 October 2012 – 7 June 2013, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2014, 12.)
2014: Wehner, Tibor: 1956 memorials in crystal structure. A commemorative exhibition of Károly Ócsay (Napút, January–February 2014, 78–81)
2015: Vásárhely Ceramics Symposia 1998–2013
2015: Bakos, Ildikó's talk at unveiling of sepulchral monument, Fiumei út National Cemetery, 1956 parcel, 6 November 2015.
2016: Károly Ócsai 1938-2011, Napkút Publisher, 2016
2016: Tokai, Gábor: The oeuvre of Ócsai Károly. In: Ócsai Károly 1938-2011, Napkút Kiadó, 2016, 7-61.
2016: Wehner, Tibor: The monumentalist. The monumental sculptures of Károly Ócsai. In: Ócsai Károly 1938-2011, Napkút Kiadó, 2016, 62-76.
2017: Tokai, Gábor: Structures in Károly Ócsai's art (Art Forum, 2015-2016, 376-393)
2017: Feledy, Balázs: The reflective sculptor. A publication of Károly Ócsai's (1938-2011) sculptural art. (Magyar Művészet V. year 2. no. 2017/2)
2017: Tokai Gábor: Ócsai Károly art descriptions. (Within boundaries. The art of the sixties in Hungary (1958-1968), Magyar Nemzeti Gallery, 16 November 2017 – 18 February 2018, Budapest, publication of the Hungarian National Gallery, 278, 282)
2017: One/Era. Differing paths and secessions during the time of consolidation. Exhibition catalogue. Műcsarnok, Budapest, 2017, 117-119, 146-147, 164-165
2018: Tokai, Gábor: About Károly Ócsai. What was left out of the book. (Napút, XX. year, 2nd no., March 2018, 65-75)
2018: Tibor Wehner: Tapló 2 Ruthless Art Diary, 2007-2016, Cédrus Arts Foundation - Napkút Publisher, Budapest, 2018 (About Károly Ócsai: 468, 517, 518, 528, 529, 553, 557. , 561, 563, 564, 590, 592, 596, 597, 609, 610, 614, 680, 692, 695, 708, 712, 716, 718 ., 736, 737, 751, 760, 776, 778, 790, 797.
Documentaries on radio and television:
Opening of Károly Ócsay’s exhibition, Balatonboglár, 1989 (15’ 10”)
Talking to Károly Ócsay about teaching (Művészeti Mozaik, 1989, 23’ 6”)
Károly Ócsay’s exhibition guide at the 1st Biennial of Sculptural Drawing, 1990 (12’ 12”)
‘Humanising space.’ Károly Ócsay’s tour at his own exhibition (Dezső Kálmán, László Simonkovits, István Szegedi. Művészeti Mozaik, TV22, 1991, 18’ 27”)
'1956 and memorials' (Duna Televízió / editor, director: Katalin T. Nagy, 23 October 1996)
Interview with Károly Ócsay (Csepp Televízió, 4 September 1996)
‘The Pest lad’ (Petőfi Rádió, reporter: Ferenc Balla, 23 October 2000, 9’ 15”)
Memorials to 1956 (Petőfi Rádió, szerkesztő: Faragó Judit, 23 October 2000, 19’ 04”)
Interview with sculptor Károly Ócsay in Újpest Gallery, on his exhibition Public space – Cliché (Paletta. Reporter: Gabriella D. Szászi, camera: Gyökeres István, Újpesti Televízió, 18 February 2001, 12’40”)
Interview with Károly Ócsay and Náda Neducza, curator of the Biennials of Sculptural Drawing (Szerkesztő riporter: Hévizi Éva / Főnix Televízió, 1 May 2004)
The 1956 memorial and its creator. Report of the Tokyo TV (2005)
Károly Ócsai talks about the '56 memorial in Süttő (program by Rákay Philipp, October 2006, 5 '28')
The Süttő memorial, a diary-like imprint of 1956 (Hír TV / reporter: Mariann Tuba, 10 December 2006)
Sulyok, Gabriella: Crystal models – exhibition opening (MKE, Epreskert, Pantheon Frieze Room, 27 November 2012)
Sulyok, Gabriella: Career works – exhibition opening (Várnegyed Gallery, 24 October 2013)
Career works. The exhibition of Károly Ócsay. Talking to art historian Ágnes Bakonyvári (Katolikus Rádió, Akvarell. Cultural paletta, 1 November 2013, 9’)
Career works. The exhibition of Károly Ócsay. Interview with art historian Ágnes Bakonyvári] (Kossuth Rádió, Belépő. Cultural Magazin, 12 November 2013)
'A walk through Tabán'. Presenter: Bakonyvári, M. Ágnes art historian. 'Catharsis' programme , Katolikus Rádió, 21 October 2016
'Crystal-workspace' exhibition in FUGA. Promontor Televízió, 2017
Szemadám, György: In half shadow, p. 97-102 Károly Ócsai p. 117-119
Sulyok, Gabriella: In half shadow, Károly Ócsai's room (Műcsarnok, 2017-18)